Bohning Lightning Lube

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Crossbow Rail Lube is silicone-based, non-toxic and non-flammable.

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Product Code: 719030

Bohning Lightning Lube

Product Code: 719030

Bohning Lightning Lube

3 In Stock+


Crossbow Rail Lube. Silicone-based, non-toxic and non-flammable.

Provides a protective film reducing friction and increasing the velocity of your crossbow bolts. Lightning Lube will not collect dirt and grit like some lubricants and is completely scent-free.

The "no mess" applicator allows smooth, even application. Fills all surface imperfections.


  • “No Mess” foam applicator
  • Silicone-based, odourless rail lube
  • Provides a protective film to reduce friction & increase velocity
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